
Organicmentaldisorderororganicbrainsyndromeisnotadisease;rather,itisatermusedtorefertoanyoftheconditionscausedduetothegradual ...,Organicmentaldisordersinolderadultscanproducearangeofsymptoms,suchasadeclineinmemory,comprehension,learningcapacity,languageabilities,and ...,DeliriumorAcuteorganicbrainsyndromeisarecentlyappearingstateofmentalimpairment,asaresultofintoxication,drugoverdose,infectio...

Organic Mental Disorder (Organic Brain Syndrome)

Organic mental disorder or organic brain syndrome is not a disease; rather, it is a term used to refer to any of the conditions caused due to the gradual ...

Organic Mental Disorders

Organic mental disorders in older adults can produce a range of symptoms, such as a decline in memory, comprehension, learning capacity, language abilities, and ...

Organic brain syndrome

Delirium or Acute organic brain syndrome is a recently appearing state of mental impairment, as a result of intoxication, drug overdose, infection, pain, and ...

Organic psychiatric disorders

2018年1月1日 — Organic psychiatric disorders are psychiatric disorders which are caused by demonstrable pathology of the brain or other organ.

Organic brain syndromes from a psychiatric point of view

由 M Olkinuora 著作 · 1982 · 被引用 7 次 — The organic brain syndromes are delirium, dementia, amnestic syndrome, organic delusional syndrome, organic hallucinosis, organic affective syndrome and organic ...

Organic Mental Disorders

由 G Goldstein 著作 · 被引用 9 次 — The anxiety disorders are examples of the first alternative, and schizophrenia is an example of the second. Organic mental disorders are those conditions that ...

第八節:器質性精神疾病(Organic Mental Disorders)


Organic mental disorder (Concept Id

Any decrease in mental functioning in which the cause is not attributable to psychiatric illness, which includes damage from physical trauma, anoxic injury, ...

Organic Brain Syndrome

Organic brain syndrome is defined as a state of diffuse cerebral dysfunction associated with a disturbance in consciousness, cognition, mood, affect, and ...